






1. 采用不同的工序組合,在一個車間里可以對多種油料進行加工。  

2. 對濃香花生油采取的加強香味的預處理技術,使花生油更香。

3. 對餅粕蛋白含量有更高要求的采用可靠的脫皮技術。

4. 對浸出困難、粉末大或要求提高產(chǎn)量的原料采用膨化處理,降低殘油和溶耗,產(chǎn)量提高50-80%。

5. 采用脫皮和低溫處理新技術,能保證蛋白含量高而且變性。

Oil Plant Pretreatment Project

Oil plant pretreatment is the starting point for oil production, including the process of storage, drying, primary cleaning, crushing, softening, flaking, cooking, pre-pressing, extrusion and baking. According to different oil plants, processing purposes and oil content, there will be different pretreatment processes. Our company has mastered various pretreatment methods with mature and advanced technology, especially drying, soybean hulling, shelling peanut red skin, softening, pressing, extruding etc.


Features of our pretreatment technology:

1. Different combinations of process can process various oil plants in one workshop.

2. Use special intensified pretreatment technology for aroma peanut oil to make it more aroma.

3. Adopt advanced and reliable shelling technology to meet higher requirements for protein content in meal.

4. Extrusion treatment is used for raw materials with hard extraction, large-sized powder, and large capacity, which can reduce residual oil and solvent consumption, and increase the capacity by 50-80%.

5. The new technology of shelling and low-temperature treatment can ensure high protein and least denaturation.

文章出自:鄭州企鵝糧油機械有限公司 榨油機廠家http://carlyandtim.com!

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